Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Before actually talking about the book, I want to make a few notes about points I want to get across on.

  •  The book talks mostly about a girl named India Opal Buloni and her dog whose name is Winn- Dixie due to the fact that he was found in the Winn- Dixie grocery store.
  • She prefers to be called Opal.
  • She lives in Naomi, Florida.
  • Her dad is a preacher at Open Arms Baptist Church of Naomi.
    This book's genre is fiction because everything that happens is fiction. The thing I liked about thisbook is that it was funny, sad, and very emotional. The most important setting is Naomi, Florida.This book is written in the present meaning that it is written during this time.The main character, India Opal Buloni, is a very intelligent girl who misses her mother that left when she was three years old
     This book is called Because of Winn- Dixie and the name of the author is called Kate DiCamillo. This book talks about a girl named India Opal Buloni and her dog named Winn- Dixie who she found at the Winn- Dixie grocery store. The reason for his name is because Opal found him while buying groceries at the Winn-Dixie grocery store.
      Her dad who she calls the preacher preaches at the Open Arms Baptist Church of Naomi. That is the reason they moved to Naomi and Opal doesn't like it. Opal told her dad, "I know I don't need a dog. But he needs me. Look." so he lets her keep him.     
     Later on as time passes she stars making new friends including Amamda, Miss Frany Sweetie Pie, Otis, and much more thanks to Winn-Dixie who is the dog that everyone likes. Opal and her friends are at a party when all of a sudden they cannot find Winn-Dixie! What do you think happened to Winn-Dixie? Do you think he will be found? alive?
      Read this book to find out waht happens to him!


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